Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Okay, let's be honest, I have maybe... three readers, at best. But just in case any of them write, and just in case any of them have writer's block right now or intend to in the future, I have a sentance. If you just cant get the first words down, use it to get started. Ctrl c it into wordpad or write it down and just continue from there.

"Florida is the place you run to when things go wrong, so it only stands to reason that starting out in Florida is asking for trouble."

I might write a story from it, but chances are that it's just going to waste. And even if it does get turned into a story by me, it will probably be transgressive fiction about Tyler Bane, one of me and Nikki's dysfunctional characters. And, chances are, I would never let you read it in a million years. (Tyler is our angst dumping ground. He has serious issues.)

So feel free to use the sentance. It deserves a better life. x3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great sentence, Carmen. Just reading it makes me want to write!

10:03 AM  

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