Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fantastic, just fantastic.

You're all in for a treat; Only an hour on this blog site and it's already caused me unspeakable amounts of anger and thusly, AdamEnegy. That's my name for the power to complain, loudly and at the world in general, in a very Adam Corolla way.

So... I finish my first post, spell check it, and proudly reveal it to my non-existant fans and go off merrily to work on my profile. When I get back I think I have a comment, oh goody, maybe it wont be a hallucination this time. (My ego can go scary places when I don't get the attention I think I deserve) But lo and behold, it's SPAM.

So I'm sitting here and screaming at my computer like retard that I don't want to 'Get Rich Using Other People's Money' and I doubt that's a good way to 'Take hold of my future!!!!!!'! Strangely enough, it was posted by someone with a blog all about the dangers of Drunk Driving. Whatever floats their goat, I think, whatever the drunk driver activists do in their spare time is their business. Spamming peoples blogs seems like a strange hobby though.

So I delete the post and go back to my blog to see if it works. I stare at it blankly for a few seconds and flip back into angry moron mode. "Oh, FANTASTIC. Now instead of people seeing the spam and feeling back for me because I'm having my blog ruined by idiots, it looks like I'm a big jerk who deleted the comment of an activist of drunk driving prevention. I should have just LEFT it there! Craptoastmonkeys!"

I feel like blaming the site for ruining my sanity, but lets be honest. I'm like this all the time.


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