Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Dear God. o_O

I read this Willy Wonka fanfiction before. I know I did. I read it before the new Willy Wonka came out, and I was reading this fanfiction about two years ago and thinking... "Dear God! I read this before I rented the movie. I didn't understand it. And now I do." But I'm going insane because this angst one-shot is based on the new movie, but I could swear to God I read it before, twice.

Can you say; Cracked?

Finally got my mom to watch the new Willy Wonka movie. She likes the movie and thought it was funny, but she cannot bring herself to like Willy himself. She likes some of the things he does (like saying, "You know why? You know why?" like a little kid.) but overall she doesn't like him. I blame it on the random person online who said in their blog that Willy Wonka reminds them of Michael Jackson. Ruined it for my mom. I wish I could scold them for it, but she cant remember where the blog is.

I just love the new Veruca. Cute little girl pouty face and fake innocent smile... cuter than fluffy little unicorns... Ah, the adorable! It burns my cornias! And Mike was cute in a mean little kid way, and Violet was a little evil but I couldn't help liking her too. Even Augustus Gloop was likeable. I was sorry to see them all go. T_T But I lovelovelovelove Willy Wonka most of all. He is forgiven for everything evil he does, like that plotting, lying expression he has when Augustus gets sucked up the pipe... -glare-

I'm gonna go back to reading weird and badly written fanfiction now. Thank you for your misused time. ^_^


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