Sunday, October 02, 2005

Oh, McDonalds.

You know how some McDonald's have thosen silly booth things that don't really belong at a fast food joint? You know, the ones that have the glass panels so they really don't do anything to help the privacy situation? And there's always a little kid making faces at you from the other side? Yeah, those ones. Geez, just let Viennali eat her french fries in peace. When I go to McDonalds it's usually my little brother making faces at you, you know. It's so embarassing. -_-;

When I was drawing this she was origionaly going to be eating a health bar because she's on a diet. But, just like real life, that fell through and now she's eating a french fry. Because I can't draw health bars, she's going to get fat. I'm sorry, Vi!

And yes, Vi got a lip peircing, because she's just hip like that.


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