I actually went trick or treating this year! I went with some of my friends and my boyfriend, Taylor. My friend Alisha, who has a crush on me, kept glaring at him all evening. Geez, it was funny. I was enjoying the little rivalry far too much. x3 I would have taken pictures of everyone, but I didn't have the camera. I might get copies of the ones Sayla took when she gets them developed, though.
I was a unicorn, hastily put together because I had no idea I was going to be out until third period today. When I got home at three I sewed my costume out of some fake fur my mom got from her friend Sandra awhile back, white felt, and a cut up pink sweater. Then, I sewed Sabbath a matching costume! If you don't know, Sabbath is the ragdoll I'm making for the oh so talented artist Zeda. I worked right up until five forty five, and then I ran to the school to meet everyone.
Taylor was a guy with crutches for halloween because that was all he had, so we kept changing what he was. At first he was crippled, but then he started walking normally so he was an insurance fraud guy. Then someone handed him a burglar mask so he became a cat burgler who fell through the roof and broke his leg, so he sued them for having a weak roof. And he told a few people that he had been hit by a car on halloween when he was six, and he'd been wearing the same thing every year since.
Alisha was a pumpkin and Sayla was an old fashioned maiden princess or something. As some kids from my school, Nick and Josh, were walking by they yelled, "The pumpkin's got the best costume out of all of you!" And I realized he was probably right. o_o
Okay, pictures! When I got home I re-made Sabbath's unicorn ears and horn(they had fallen off) and asked my mom to take pictures of us. Of course, like most of my pictures, I turned out horrible. Sabbath looks quite dashing in his cross-dressing unicorn costume though. The costume is based on Klar's character, Pollu, of course.
Me and Sabbath;

Sabbath, without me mucking up the picture.

My mom wanted to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH, TOTALLY CRUNCHY! I think that I heard that your name is... Sarah? Well, we got the tote bag. I knew it was you the whole time. x3 There was no other way I could think that you'd have found my humble blog. The tote bag is gorgeous. My mom loves it, and says that she feels like she's gotten far too much.
Anyways. Wow, I'm tired. Goodnight, everyone.
Wisdom of the day; A fifteen pound weight seems way bigger when you're exhausted.
I was a unicorn, hastily put together because I had no idea I was going to be out until third period today. When I got home at three I sewed my costume out of some fake fur my mom got from her friend Sandra awhile back, white felt, and a cut up pink sweater. Then, I sewed Sabbath a matching costume! If you don't know, Sabbath is the ragdoll I'm making for the oh so talented artist Zeda. I worked right up until five forty five, and then I ran to the school to meet everyone.
Taylor was a guy with crutches for halloween because that was all he had, so we kept changing what he was. At first he was crippled, but then he started walking normally so he was an insurance fraud guy. Then someone handed him a burglar mask so he became a cat burgler who fell through the roof and broke his leg, so he sued them for having a weak roof. And he told a few people that he had been hit by a car on halloween when he was six, and he'd been wearing the same thing every year since.
Alisha was a pumpkin and Sayla was an old fashioned maiden princess or something. As some kids from my school, Nick and Josh, were walking by they yelled, "The pumpkin's got the best costume out of all of you!" And I realized he was probably right. o_o
Okay, pictures! When I got home I re-made Sabbath's unicorn ears and horn(they had fallen off) and asked my mom to take pictures of us. Of course, like most of my pictures, I turned out horrible. Sabbath looks quite dashing in his cross-dressing unicorn costume though. The costume is based on Klar's character, Pollu, of course.
Me and Sabbath;

Sabbath, without me mucking up the picture.

My mom wanted to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH, TOTALLY CRUNCHY! I think that I heard that your name is... Sarah? Well, we got the tote bag. I knew it was you the whole time. x3 There was no other way I could think that you'd have found my humble blog. The tote bag is gorgeous. My mom loves it, and says that she feels like she's gotten far too much.
Anyways. Wow, I'm tired. Goodnight, everyone.
Wisdom of the day; A fifteen pound weight seems way bigger when you're exhausted.
/;o; SOFRIGGINCUTEARRGGH. *rolls around*
Carmen, you are the cutest thing in the whole world. And I just want to tell your readers something: She actually talks faster and MORE in real life! Here you see only a fraction of her great verbal powers!
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